
VIDEO TUTORIAL: Video tutorial available online for Configurator.

The Q-SYS Device Configurator manages various network aspects of Cores, I/O Frames and other Q-SYS networked devices.

Using the Device Configurator

  1. To access the Configurator, from the Q-SYS Designer Main Menu, select Tools > Show Q-SYS Configurator.
  2. Select a device in the left panel.
    1. If the device is password protected, enter the password in the Password field and click Go. The appropriate information displays in the right side-panel.
    2. If the device is not password protected, the appropriate information displays in the right side-panel.

Device Information

Network Interfaces

The Configurator displays the following information for LAN A, LAN B, AUX A and AUX B. Depending on the device, only a subset of the LAN connections may be available. All are identical in type of content. If there is no link, a red (NO LINK) message displays next to the port. If the device is password protected, you must enter the username and password for that device to view the network settings.

Setting the Time, Date, and Time Zone

The settings you make here set the Time, Date, and Time Zone on the Core. When you select the Time Zone, if Daylight Savings (or equivalent) is used in that Time Zone, the Core automatically changes time on the appropriate date.

  1. Open the Configurator in Q-SYS Designer (Main menu > Tools > Show Q-SYS Configurator...)
  2. Click the Edit Device Time/Date button at the bottom right corner of the Q-SYS Configurator. The Edit Core Time/Date dialog displays.

To Set the Date and Time

  1. If the day is not correct click the proper day in the displayed calendar. The blue highlighting moves to the day you selected.
  2. If the other settings are correct, click the OK button.
  3. If the month is not correct click the left or right arrow to move to the correct month, or:
    1. Click directly on the month name and year in the calendar title bar. For example September 2010. The calendar changes to the year in months and only the year is displayed in the title bar.
    2. Select the current month. The calendar changes back to the days of the month.
  4. If the year is not correct repeat steps for setting the month then:
    1. Click directly on the month name and year in the calendar title bar.
    2. Click the left or right arrow to move to the correct year, or click directly on the year in the title bar. For example 2010. The calendar changes to the decade in years, and the decade range is displayed in the title bar.
    3. Select the correct year. The calendar changes to the year in months. Click the title bar again to change back to the month in days. You can continue clicking the title bar to get to the century, if necessary, then work backwards (century, decade, year) to today's date.
  5. You can set the time in one or more of the following three ways:
  6. Click the OK button.

To Set the Time Zone

  1. If the Time Zone is not correct, click the pull-down arrow under "Set the Time Zone" heading to display a list of cities sorted first by country code, then alphabetically.
  2. Select the appropriate city to select the correct time zone. If you don't see your city listed, click a city that is in the same time zone.
  3. Click the OK button.

A cross-reference of country codes to countries and countries to country code is at the bottom of this topic.

To Enable NTP (Network Time Protocol)

NTP is a protocol designed to synchronize the clocks of computers over a network. For details, visit http://www.ntp/org/. If you have redundant Cores, be sure to enable NTP, using the same NTP Server, on both Cores.

  1. Click the Enable NTP checkbox. A list of NTP time servers displays. Currently and are included in the list.
  2. Select one of the servers listed.
  3. Click the OK button.

To Add or Delete a NTP Server

In the Enable NTP server list,


The security provided by this feature protects only the network settings listed in this topic. Refer to the Security Overview topic for more information. The Q-SYS networked devices do not have a password set when delivered from the factory.

Definitions / Requirements

To Add or Change the Password

NOTE:  To change a password, you must be logged in to the device with the current password.

  1. Click the Edit Device Password button.
  2. Enter a new password in the Password field.
  3. Re-enter the password in the Confirm field.
  4. Click the OK button. The "Password Set" dialog box displays.
  5. Click OK. A message displays indicating that the device is password protected.
  6. Enter the password in the Password field and click Go. You now have access to the network settings for that device.

To Delete the Password

NOTE:  To delete a password, you must be logged in to the Core with the current password.

  1. Click the Edit Device Password button.
  2. Click the Clear Password button. The "Password erased" dialog box displays.
  3. Click OK. You now have access to the network settings for that device. The device is no longer password protected.


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